There are a few ways to sequence a yoga class and choosing the right one will make your sessions more enjoyable.
1. Traditional
Following a traditional practice means adding postures in the order a particular yoga style proposes. It can vary from being very strict, like in Ashtanga yoga, where poses and their order are already set, or freer, like in Vinyasa, where only basics are proposed. For example, a primary sequence of Vinyasa is starting with sun salutations, continuing with standing poses, and ending with sitting poses. There are also some styles, like Yin yoga, where only poses are proposed, but you choose and arrange them according to your preference.
This way of sequencing can be the easiest since the rules and guidelines help you in the process of creation.
2. Around A Pose
It is a perfect way to achieve a specific yoga posture. Choose which parts of the body need to be warmed up, stretched and strengthened before going in the pose. There are two ways this practice will benefit the pose you are working on – short-term and long-term. Short-term effect will be that your pose will be easier to achieve in the better alignment when you warm up prior than if you go straight into it. A long-term result will be that the muscles you need for the pose are getting more flexible and stronger, and therefore you will be able to assume the posture in its full expression. Find the poses which best serve your purpose, for example, easier backbends for a full wheel pose. Sequence the chosen postures in a logical order, while paying attention to flow, counter poses, and which poses go naturally together.
3. By Feeling
Our body is different every day, and so is our energy and state of mind. That is why going by the feeling is the most natural sequencing technique; you follow your instinct and do what you feel like doing. It can be done in both self-practice and a group, but do so only if you can connect with the group on a high enough level.
4. Certain Goal
Similarly to building a class around a pose, this way of sequencing helps you achieve a specific goal. It could, for example, be hip flexibility. In this case, you would do a series of stretches which hit your hips from different angles. You can dedicate an entire practice to this goal or simply make it a focus of your regular full-body practice.
5. Random Poses
A great way to explore the massive world of yoga is by trying different things and testing out your borders. You could write some poses on cards and pick out a certain number of them, or just write down the poses you are eager to try while browsing a book or a website. It will be fun practice for sure, and it might reveal what you need to work on more.